If you encounter an expired SMS verification code and do not receive an SMS verification code, please attempt different solutions recommended.
- Usage limit exceeded, try later
The system will stop sending SMS verification codes after 10 requests. The page will display “Usage limit exceeded, try later”. Please wait 24 hours before attempting again.
Reminder: after requesting an SMS verification code, please allow the system to process the request. If you still have not received a code within 3 minutes, then request another one. You should not attempt multiple, frequent requests otherwise the code you requested previously will expire or you will exceed the usage limit.
- SMS verification code request failed
Different browsers may display SMS code request buttons dissimilarly. If the SMS verification code is shown as inactive, try a different browser—Chrome and Firefox are recommended.
Reminder: If you encounter an SMS verification code failure or submission failure on the mobile app, we recommend attempting through the f2pool website.
If these recommended solutions don’t work, it may be an issue with your SMS service provider. Please contact the f2pool support team to solve the problem.
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